About Us
Thanks for taking the time to visit our website and see what our little not-for-profit, Get the WORD Out, is all about!
Proceeds from the sales of our shop, THe MAKER'S Market @ 31 N Gore in Webster Groves, along with donations from our sponsors enable us to answer a call.

A Little Background:
My first trip to Kenya was in February, 2005 - a gift from my husband for my 50th birthday, and one I would never forget. I went with a team from Greentree Church led by Jim Kerber and we visited schools in remote areas of the country. I was able to purchase just 35 Bibles in Swahili to distribute while I was there and found that the people there were hungry for the WORD of God. My life was forever changed by His WORD and I had a desire to share the gift of grace that I had been given. It still is a beautiful experience to give a Bible to someone who has never had one. I connected with some Kenyans while I was there, and the MISSION began!
In August of 2005 I returned to Kenya with a team from Central Presbyterian Church, this time taking along two of my children. Armed with 300 Bibles, we did musical events, participated in a Peace Rally in a warring area of Northwestern Kenya, and spent time with good people. I knew this was only the beginning.
Upon my return home, I immediately applied for 501(c)[3] status and the rest became history. Once I knew my mission, there was no looking back.
Many trips later and the most valuable lesson I've learned is this: the MAIN thing is still the MAIN thing! We are armed with Bibles and go where we are sent. We will continue to bring love, hope and His WORD to others. A passion for the Lord and a desire to help children has led us to the place of ministry that we're at now. I have also been blessed with the opportunity to bring several children to the US for medical treatment. Some of those stories will be added to our website soon, as well as opportunities to join us! We've found that over the years there has been no shortage of need to help children. Through child sponsors and donors, along with profits from our not-for-profit shop, we've been able to help build schools, distribute water filters, help with medical expenses, school fees, and provide food and clothing. We administer basic needs to those orphaned by the death or abandonment by parents.
AIDS, cholera and typhoid claim many lives, and the simple gift of giving CLEAN WATER is something within our reach.
For the last few years we have been able to take LifeStraw Water Filters to villages, dispensaries, schools and families often in remote areas.
Some of the places we have gone are Kamketo, Chepararia, Chepoghin, West Pokot, Kaakoko, Kapkoris, Shalpogh, Kasei, Kitale, Kapenguria, Kiwawa, Koitumo, and Kipsaina.
There are many different needs that arise and we are eager help. Whether it's bringing luggage full of shoe donations or building a chicken house for an orphanage, Get the WORD Out will try to answer the call. There will always be an opportunity to step in, and there are many adventures ahead, but the most important thing for us to remember is that we will always have the opportunity to SHARE the GOSPEL and hand out BIBLES.
Our goal is to reach as many schools, villages and remote areas as possible to provide MORE WATER FILTERS and MORE BIBLES! Want to JOIN US?
- Karen Smith, Founder